I am an Experience Designer, Storyteller, and Creative Leader with 7+ years experience working in XR and immersive media.

I use the immersive capabilities of Mixed Reality to create social experiences and connect people, rather than isolate them.

Currently I’m at TikTok leading the design of creative AR tools and effects.

TikTok: Creative AR Tools & Effects

Roles: UX, 3D Design, Project Manager, Art Director

AR Creative Tools and Effects

TikTok: Music Effects Initiative

Roles: Idea Owner, Design lead, Project Manager

Music Effects Initiative

Yokai!: XR installation

Roles: UX, Technical Artist, Production Design

XR interactive installation

Wetware: 3D Desktop game

Roles: Director, UX, Animation Lead, 3D Design, Art director

3D Desktop game

M.A.A.D: XR installation

Roles: UX, Software Engineer

XR interactive installation

Ama's Momento: XR installation

Roles: Project Lead, UX, Prototyper

XR interactive installation

Steelcase: VR Workspaces

Roles: UX, 3D Design

Steelcase Virtual Workspace
VR collaborative workspace